Set It and Forget It- A Key to Effective Manifestation Day 104: 365 Radical Self Love Project

Looking for instant manifestation? Simple be a better human.

This is not a moral conversation. Being a better human in this context is simply referring to being your best version, living with integrity, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, lack of internal and external judgement, self love, high self esteem, taking aligned action, taking care of your vessel physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.

Radical Self Love Kelsey Grant

There is a tonne of info out there about how to manifest instantly. This post is not one of them. There are many interwoven keys to instant manifestation and simply put they are all correlated to how aligned we are internally to our truth, our hearts and love.

Radical Self Love Kelsey GrantThe more self discovery you do and the more you implement the awareness you learn, the more effective you will be at manifesting. Also keep in mind you will only ever draw in experiences that are of highest potency for your spiritual growth. Meaning just because your ego wants that new spiffy car or those hawt new shoes you may not manifest these things simply because they are not on purpose for you at this point in time.

Our ego’s will want to consume and focus on manifesting things that will bring us instant gratification, increase our perceived status and ultimately make us “better” than other people. For the Radical Self Lover you are likely to be present of your ability and life purpose to make a positive difference in this world. So back to manifestation.

Take a tip from Ron Popeil- Set it and forget it.

Set your intention. What is it that you want to call into your experience? Feel into it, be clear about why you want what you want, beam it with gratitude and appreciation, let yourself daydream/visualize it, then….

Forget it. Let it go. Release it to the universe. Drop your expectations.

Kelsey Grant Radical Self LoveThe Universe is awesome and magical. It does not need to be reminded every 5 seconds of how much you want your intention (doing so will work in the opposite way you want it to). So go about your business as usual. Get on with your life. Understand your life is perfect, whole and complete already, as it is, because YOU are perfect, whole and complete as you are right meow. Be grateful for all you do have. Be great with people. Instead of focusing on the lack of what you are seeking fill yourself up with the presence of all the greatness in your life as of right now in this exact moment. Cultivate feelings and thoughts of belief. Learn how to strengthen your confidence and self worth. Practice building up your muscles of faith and trust in your day to day life. Spread love. Be love.

In those moments where desperation takes over immerse yourself in the service of others. This again will take your monkey mind off of dwelling and focusing on the lack of what you have intended and put ya back in the vibe of love where all possibility dwells!

Radical Self Love Kelsey GrantHappy Manifesting Lovers!

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!


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