The Day Of Universal YES’s- Day 333: 365 Radical Self Love Project

As some of you may know, I am a lover of numbers-

It is one of the ways I make sense of the messages the Universe is always sending our way.

There are many different ‘omens’ or modes of messages the Universe sends our way. Depending on our unique make up, passions, areas of strength and interest we will notice certain forms more than others.

Numbers, colours, oracle cards and animal symbology are my strong suits to interpret and today is a massively significant day for my numerology lovin’ mind and heart.

333 represents a Universal YES.

Anytime we see this number it is a confirmation that what ever we were doing, saying or thinking when we saw the number is fully supported by the Universe and we are getting a massive YES to keep along that path. (If you want a little more insight you can check out this VIDEO of me decoding the number sequence 333, when I worked as a numerologist and host for the

It is fitting that today I awoke with the intention to say YES to life and above all else ensure that my top priority is keeping my vibes in alignment. When my energy is in alignment I flow, creativity pours out of me, life is effortless and it is a giddy adventure.

radical self love kelsey grant

I had the pleasure of gently starting my day with some snuggles and smooches from my man. Then he got up and I got to my leisurely wake up routine.

I laid in my bed for about 10 minutes just appreciating things about my life as it was in that moment. Then I grabbed my gratitude journal and did my daily gratitude writing. Following those feel good vibes I hopped into meditation. I rocked my 6 minutes of ego harmonizing then straight into 108 cycles of my RSL mantra- I am Divine Love”.

Following the completion of my mantra I had a nice conversation with my inner being. I asked to be guided to people, situations, circumstances for my highest good and highest potential, to use my body, mind and expression as a vessel for Divine love expression and to bless each and every being I crossed paths with today. Upon finishing my meditation I drank a bottle of water and was ready to start my day.

radical self love kelsey grantFollowing the completion of my morning routine I received an email from a potential new place that both my partner and I love confirming we have an appointment to see it this week. This house is everything we are looking for and it was just a sweet confirmation from the Universe that we are on the right path in taking this next step to go look at the space.

Next up I had a wonderful call with my accountability partner where we shared some wonderful insights with each other about honouring our pace, how to manage and transform any feelings of resentment that often show up after making a long term commitment with work (I’ll be writing about this one later this week) and a awesome perspective share on only doing the shit you like to do. Only doing the things that bring you joy allows other people the space and invitation to do what they love which is likely all the shit you don’t- humans are magical that way.

Then I hopped onto my daily writers training and uncovered some serious gems about my process, and so so so much confirmation that I am totally on purpose and taking the appropriate steps towards the completion of the ebook and the future publishing of the full length book! Feeling pretty buzzed and stoked on life!

With that being said I’m going to bravely share some of the Universal Yes projects we have in the works:

1. Launch of the first free RSL ebook “Sabotaged Love- The 12 Archetypes Keeping You From The Love You Want”
2. Upon completion of this 365 blogging project we will be transforming all the blog posts into an interactive multimedia Apple iBook and a couple other products and ebooks.
3. Our free monthly RSL mastermind call
4. Our membership RSL Relationship Mastermind
5. Release of the second RSL ebook “From Breakup to Breakthrough- 15 Steps To Heal Your Heart and Move Forward Fearlessly”
6. My first 12 week relationship and heart healing virtual program “From Breakup to Breakthrough”
7. And finally one of the projects I’ve been super pumped (and confronted) to launch: the RSL video series called “Ask The Oracle- sage advice to support your relationships and radical self love journey”. Eventually my vision is to turn this baby into a live coaching show where each week I bring on a guest who is comfortable sharing their coaching journey with our beautiful community, I will coach them through an area of challenge and upset and bring them to a resolution in 30 minutes! SO EXCITED!!!!

Let me know in the comments below which of these you are most looking forward to and I can prioritize them based on what you love faces are really wanting to receive from me ๐Ÿ™‚

As I continue go through this beautiful day just saying a big fat YES to life I invite you to do the same and watch the miracles unfold! You are magical and amazing saying yes to your brilliance and yes to life is one of the best ways to remember who you truly are ๐Ÿ˜‰

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!


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