This Week’s Theme Song- Day 358: 365 Radical Self Love Project

Music is amazing.

It lifts our spirits.
It communicates the things most challenging to say.
It puts words to our deepest emotions and most blissful experiences.
It connects.
Connects us to ourselves, to our experience and to each other.

Music is the Universal language.

It is also a massive tool for programming messages into our subconscious minds. Our subconscious minds drive the majority of our behaviour (96-98% on average). Knowing this I’ve been really aware of the messages I program into my mind via music.

I tend to be drawn to music that leaves me feeling good and inspired. I also am super keen on being mindful of the lyrics of the tunes I listen to repeatedly. Our access to consciously reprogramming our subconscious is through repitition and consistentcy. So when we hear the same songs over and over, the programming (intentions and lyrics of the tune) becomes registered in our subconscious and ultimately begins to influence our behaviours.

With that being said I still love music that captures the full range of human emotions and I am all for a tear jerking song when the circumstances call for it. However, for the most part I prefer to stick to positive and uplifting tunes cause when I feel good magic begins to manifest in my life. In the spirit of sharing here is a song I have had on repeat a lot lately. It’s called Good Life” by One Republic and its full of delicious high vibes and positive messages!

Enjoy this beauty and feel free to share with us on our FB page your favourite feel good tune! xo

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!
