Socks of Affirmation- Day 122: 365 Radical Self Love Project

Affirmations are powerful little tools

Today I found a super cute way to enhance my daily intentions and positive affirmations.

Affirmation socks!

radical self love kelsey grantFor true- check them out!! Each sock has a positive word on the bottom! I’m so happy with this find 🙂

Sometimes its just the simple things in life that make it the sweetest.

Plus who doesn’t love cute socks?!!

What I love most about them is the intention behind them. Conscious merchandise and the intention of rippling more love vibes into the world makes my heart so happy. It reminds me of how much goodness really is in this world.

It will also be a wonderful reminder to remain grounded and rooted in my daily affirmations and intentions as I go through my day!

What are your favourite daily affirmations to keep your vibes high, consistent, positive and loving? Share with us in the comments below!! xo

radical self love kelsey grantRadical Self Love to the MAX!!!


Waves of Fire- RSL’s First Feature Friday-Day 91: 365 Radical Self Love Project

It is completely in our best collective interests to lift each other up.

I’m a big fan of collaboration, sharing and building on purpose communities. I believe there is a lot we each have the capacity to create and when we work together as a team we create even bigger ripples than if we try and go at it alone.

Kelsey Grant Radical Self Love

Here is the thing there is enough room for everyone, there is more than enough for everyone and  there is always a teacher, mentor or leader for everyone. I know the way I present information vibes with the people in this community, I also know the way I present information and share my wisdom doesn’t and won’t vibe with everyone.

This is why I created Radical Self Love’s Feature Friday’s. 

It’s an opportunity to share the wisdom, inspiration and awesomeness going on in our RSL community. I love knowing what peeps are up to and I’m equally as excited about sharing it with others who may never come across the content otherwise.

RSL Feature Fridays

Here at RSL we do our best to operate our company within the ever powerful Laws of the Universe. One of these laws being: The Law of Reciprocity. Give what you wish to receive. If I truly want this community to grow, flourish and be the most incredible space for love- I gotta share the love. The people I’ll be featuring each Friday are incredible humans and it honestly feels so wonderful to be able to acknowledge them, publicly recognize their work and positively affirm that what they do, who they are and that their creations truly make a difference in this world.

Here at RSL we are truly blessed to have such an incredible community of creators, teachers, students and people dedicated to the rippling of love consciousness in the world. I heart you all muchly. ❤

Feature Friday: Beth Watson/Waves of Fire

Okies lovers here we gooooo!

Waves of Fire Radical Self LoveRadical Self Love meet our gorgeous community member and sistah Beth Watson. Beth is the founder of Waves of Fire, a company dedicated to showcasing and awakening the “Modern Day Goddess” by introducing young women world wide to their connection to Spirit, playfulness, magic and a deliciously nurturing relationship with momma Gaia (mother earth).

What we love about Waves of Fire is simple.

They know, value and illustrate the importance of leading/living by example. Waves of Fire is incredibly authentic, transparent and a beautiful snapshot into the up’s and downs of the human experience. The raw vulnerability Beth has brought to this project and company is incredibly inspiring and is a constant reminder that all things are possible when we live a life guided by our hearts and our souls calling.

Her work is incredibly healing, heart opening and in my opinion what a lot of the ladies in the world are really searching for right now. There is such magical power when women come together in a spirit of kindness, love, healing and connection. The energy woman are capable of generating when living on purpose is nothing short of miracles in action. Men also have this power and potential when they come together in the spirit of service, love and peace. Human beings are magnificent creatures and the work Beth does in the world is designed to support those women who are really looking for a sisterhood, heart healing and a deep connection to themselves and to the earth.

Why we love Beth:

Beth is a beauty inside and out. She courageously took the leap into the unknown a few years ago to begin the creation and journey of living her life according to her truth, her heart and her passions. What has become of Waves of Fire was once just an idea in her mind, one that fuelled and fired up her heart and is an example to people everywhere that you can create a life by your own design, driven by your heart. We completely admire the fearless surrender, contribution and example she illustrates each and every day. We love Beth because she is real, she is authentic, transparent and totally honest about her journey. I believe these are the ultimate qualities which reside within every great teacher and inspiring leader.

So lets show Beth some love as we do 😉

Waves of Fire/ Radical Self LoveFirst and foremost she has a contest right meow where she is giving away one of her new aura/energy clearing sprays. All you need to do to enter is click on this link and share the picture on Facebook:



Waves of Fire Radical Self LoveSecondly Waves of Fire has an incredible program about to launch in October called Flower Child. Her program is an opportunity for women to immerse in the world of natural/organic body products, tap into the divine feminine through mystical practices and to re-establish a solid connection to themselves and mother earth. There are still a couple spots left and you can check out all the yummy details here:!flower-child/c1m5t

If you are as inspired by this Goddess as we are you can connect with Beth here:



Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!
