How Self Love, My Intuition and Universe Saved My Life Today- Day 354: 365 Radical Self Love Project

I’ve always believed the Universe has my back and today I received proof in a big time way.

I believe my intuition is an extension of source energy and my connection to an intelligence far greater than my human brain and body.

How often do we have a gut feeling about someone or something that we ignore?

How often do we follow it?

radical self love kelsey grantAs we travel through the journey of Radical Self Love we program ourselves to actively trust and honour this internal guidance system. The key with listening to the intuition is we have to be somewhat grounded, feeling good and clear for it to make any sense at all.

When we are scattered, anxious, worried or racked with guilt, shame or fear our intuition is drowned out by the musings of the ego. In this state of energy the messages we receive are mixed and just compound the confusion we are already feeling.

On the flip side when we are feeling good, clear, vibrant and resonating in the energy of love, our intuition is loud and clear. In this clarity we are really confident in following it’s guidance, no questions asked.

The key to getting to the space of clear intuition communication is training ourselves to feel good. The more active we are at seeking out what is working, what is going well and collecting evidence of all the gifts and blessings in our lives- we feel better. When we are feeling good our energy is at an all time high. When our energy is high we are receptive to the good around us and become magnets for more goodness to be attracted in. In this level of vibrational alignment with source energy our intuition’s messages come through loud and clear.

My intuition at an all time high.

Now it is very unusual for me to give energy and attention to these sorts of things but for the purpose of driving this message home I will share this.

This morning there was a shooting in my neighbourhood. Literally 2 blocks from my house. I live in a very safe and affluent neighbourhood and stuff like this just doesn’t happen here- but today it did.

I left my house around 10:40 this morning to head to grab a coffee from my fav coffee shop a few blocks from my house. I left the coffee shop around 10:50 and made my way back home. As I crossed the street towards my usual route home my intuition got super loud and literally pulled me in a different direction.

I took the back way home trusting it was happening for a reason. When I got home the reason became very clear. If I had taken the usual route home I would have been right in the line of fire at the exact time the shooting took place.

If there was ever any doubt in my mind that the Universe has my back and that I am here for a very distinct purpose this mornings events really solidified how protected I am. I’m so clear of the value of keeping my vibes high and my energy consistent. If I was in a lower energetic state or not used to hearing and following the guidance of my higher self/intuition I wouldn’t be here writing this right now and my life might be on a very different path.

Today my intuition saved my life and for that I am so deeply grateful.

Radical Self Love supports us in the cultivation of the behaviours, patterns and actions to keep our vibes in highest alignment as often as possible. Today I couldn’t be more grateful for this gift of Radical Self Love.

If you are ready to hop on your Radical Self Love journey our 30 Day RSL program may just be the perfect fit for you! 30 days of Radical Self Love immersion, where we start with simple but powerful shifts to support you in the long term cultivation of the one thing that might just save your life- your self love connection. If you are ready to embrace your intuition, clear your connection to your divine source and feel freaking goooood more consistently- lets do this! xo

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!


Happy 5 Year Vanniversary To Me!!! Day 305: 365 Radical Self Love Project

Well today lovers marks the official 5 year anniversary of me picking up my life in Calgary and moving myself out to the west coast and beginning a new chapter in the beautiful Vancouver.

In light of this awesome celebration I am calling this my Happy 5 Year Vanniversary!

So much has changed in the 5 years since I moved. It honestly is a bit mind boggling that it has already been 5 years!!! I am certainly not the same person I was when I moved.

Taking the Leap that would forever change my life

radical self love kelsey grant

When I made my way out here 5 years ago- I was fresh out of a long term relationship, just came back from my first solo travelling trip to South Africa, Spain, Portugal and the UK and I had just opened up to the entire world of transformation.

Now here I am 5 years later in a relationship with the love of my life and the man I am planning to build a life with- WIN!

I am building a company that is completely heart centred and a compilation of all the trials, tribulations and massively successful wins of my personal and romantic journey- WIN!

I have created an incredible soul family- completely fulfilling on my life long intention of having a super large family- WIN!

I live in one of the most gorgeous cities in the world, have a life I absolutely adore and have the honour of spending each day with people who elevate my soul, awaken my being and call me to greater levels of consciousness and love. EPIC WIN!

My life is absolutely blessed and I am deeply grateful for where this leap of faith has taken me. I had no idea what would happen moving out here, I just knew I had  to. My soul was pulling me here. I had to trust in the unknown and dive in. The reward of my faith and willingness to go forward into the unknown has surpassed my wildest dreams.

If I could go back in time and tell my 26 year old self what would be in store for the next 5 years if I made the move to Van- I would have never believed it.

When we leap into the unknown we absolutely have no idea where we will end up but jumping in and following the call of spirit will always lead us into the most incredible places.

radical self love kelsey grant

I am so deeply grateful for the incredible people that truly make my life one worth celebrating and honouring. To each and every one of you who have made my life here in Van such a delight I am so grateful!! Looking foward to what the next 5 will bring 😉

Is there something that your soul is nudging you to do? There always is- we just have to get still and present enough to hear the call.

Get still.
Have faith.

And jump.

To you and your incredible life adventures!!

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!


“It Is An Act Of LOVE For Me To Say No”- How To Powerfully and Respectfully Stand In Your Truth- Day 218: 365 Radical Self Love Project

It is an act of love for me to say no.

radical self loveThis is one of my all time favourite Radical Self Love mantras I have.

We have grown up in a culture which has conditioned us on many levels to fear saying and claiming what we want.

Part of being clear about what we want and desire also includes being clear what we don’t want. There comes a time in all of our lives when we are faced with saying no and staying true to ourselves.

How to deal with the guilt that comes up when we speak our truth.

Phase One

img-thingIf you are feeling like you have to explain why you are saying no, it is an indication that you have been saying no to yourself for a long time and saying yes to the world at the expense of your own true happiness. The impact of compromising in this way breaks our personal integrity. When we do things we don’t want to do we compromise our souls. We give up a piece of who we are. Doing this enough times leads to an experience of energetic fragmentation.

Energetic fragmentation is simply the scattering of our soul energy. When we give up ourselves for others energetically we give up a piece of who we are and unconsciously give the other person control over our soul energy.

Inevitably there comes a time when we become so sick of ourselves acting outside of our heart’s guidance that we WAKE UP. In this phase of awakening we become acutely aware of all the ways in which we have given ourselves up.

Phase Two

Once we are aware of the places in which we have given up ourselves we can begin the reclaiming process. We must command our spirit back. This means doing the exploration to identify the places, people and circumstances in which we have given away our power. Then we do a lil self lovin forgiveness work.

Self Loving Forgiveness

The commanding of our spirit back will require you to get radically real about where you gave yourself up and approach it from a space of empowerment. Meaning don’t fall into the ego’s trap of making yourself wrong for doing it. You did the best you could with the consciousness you had. When you know better you do better. Next one by one you are going to pull the circumstance, person or place in which we gave up our power and bless it with love.

” I am aware I unconsciously gave up my power to you. I forgive myself love myself. I forgive you and I love you. Thank you for teaching me this precious lesson. I now release you from playing this role for me and willingly command my spirit back.”

Your-past-mistakes-are-meant-to-guide-youOnce you repeat the forgiveness mantra sit in stillness. In this stillness you will begin to feel the experience of your soul piece returning. Some pieces come back quicker than others.

This is a fabulous practice to include into your daily RSL Routine.

We are all human and we all give up pieces of who we are along the way so we can learn to reclaim our power and become incredibly present to our divinity.

When we feel like we have to constantly justify ourselves what’s up with that?

It is a sign you have ignored your intuition for too long and your confidence has suffered a bit of a blow. Your perception of their lack of acceptance reflects your own inner insecurity with yourself and your choice. This is totally natural lovers especially for those of us, who for a very long time, didn’t speak up or share our truth.

You are building a new muscle and for the first little while you are going to feel uncomfortable. The length of time you feel uncomfortable is total under your control.


Minimizing the Discomfort

Every time you feel like you have to justify or explain your choices, remind yourself your need to speak your truth will not always include everyone’s acceptance of your truth. Some people just won’t get it. Especially if it means you are now standing up for yourself inside a relationship where you previously allowed yourself to be walked over.

Ego’s don’t like transformation and they certainly do not like self love actions.

1743729_10152232664608707_2009396956_nWhen you are feeling like you are being challenged by someone on your belief system, remind yourself that your discomfort is a function of your ego not wanting to let go of a past, disempowering way of being. Any time we go into defence mode or justification mode we have activated our own ego’s.

Not everyone is going to like what you have to say when you start speaking your truth and darlings that is totally ok. One of two magical things will happen the more consistent and confident you become at speaking your truth:

1. People will really not be ok with your new confident and self lovin ways and it will become incredibly obvious through they’re behaviour that they are no longer be in vibrational harmony with you. Meaning you will start to attract people who are more on your wavelength who understand and respect where you are coming from.


2. The more self assured you become the more your community will naturally acclimatize to your authenticity. They may need a little time to get used to it, but they will indeed get used to it and then come to know you as someone who now unapologetically speaks their truth – which is a pretty rad thing.

Basically the process of you sticking with it, even when it’s tough in the beginning, will reveal to you your honest and true friends, family and soul tribe.

How to increase the confidence when it comes to speaking your truth

Feeling confident about ourselves goes hand in hand with speaking our truth. So to enhance our success and our feeling of acceptance both internally and externally we must also develop our confidence and give ourselves mega acknowledgment.

The 30 Day Radical Self Love Program is designed for this exact transformation and inner development work. And if you haven’t scooped up your program yet try these on in the mean time:

1. Do more of what you are naturally good at.

When we put ourselves into situations where we will naturally shine our confidence gets a massive boosting. We all have a couple things we know we are just rockstars at, give yourself permission to do more of those things and make it a regular daily occurrence.

2. Walk through life with an engaged core.

Yup I’m talking about flexing those tummy muscles. When we activate our core we hold ourselves higher AND on an energetic level we activate our solar plexus which is our storage unit for confidence, self assuredness and self love. Practice tightening your core any time you are walking or sitting. If you really wanna take it up a couple notches add a plank exercise into your daily routine. Holding plank pose is a fabulous way to develop those muscles, activate the core, tone everything up and activate the yummy self confidence waiting to be set free in your solar plexus.


3. Give yourself some credit.

We are often so focused on where we are lacking that we deplete our self confidence and self love tank without even noticing what we are doing. Giving gratitude and acknowledgement to yourself for all the greatness you are up to helps strengthen our confidence in a massive way. When we are thriving in positivity land we can HEAR the voice of our intuition clearly. When we can hear our intuition it is much easier to act on it’s guidance. To act on the intuition’s guidance is to act in our own integrity.

4. Remember this is a process.

We can be so hard on ourselves when we don’t see immediate results when it comes to shifts in our personal development. Remember this is much like training at the gym. You won’t see results right away after a workout, but with consistency and repetition you will one day look in the mirror and be blown away with the epic results you have achieved. The same goes for our self love and inner journeys. It will take time. Be patient and loving and enjoy flowing with the journey of your own awakening.

The more you begin to get comfortable with saying no to things that are really a no and yes to things that are really a yes your quality of life quickly begins to skyrocket. You have every right to thrive, be happy and live a life that honours your internal knowing.

No two people will have the same life experience so it is up to you to claim what works for you and what doesn’t coming from a place of respect, kindness, love and peace.

People will do what they do and say what they say and in the end none of it has anything to do with you. 

Keep rockin your truth lovers! xo

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!


For all those ready to ROCK your 30 Day Radical Self Love Journey sign up here to get started:

Bucketlisting, Self Lovin’ and Kittens. Day 20: 365 RSL Project

imgresI love me. Lets be clear I don’t mean this in some narcissistic, self involved, ego-ic way. I like to think of it more as an: F-YA-I’M FREAKING AWESOME-TOTALLY COMFY IN MY OWN SKIN-KNOW I HAVE A SUPER DUPER POSITIVE IMPACT ON OTHERS- kinda way.

Part of my Radical Self Love Journey lead me to become better acquainted with all the things I love about myself and my life. In the past 4 years I’ve been practicing getting really comfy acknowledging myself, my accomplishments, my loveable qualities and aspects of my life I am totally lit up and stoked about. Doing so has done a real number on my confidence in the best possible way.  When my confidence began to increase I started to see (through my acknowledgement practice) I was also strengthening my internal muscles of visualization, intention setting and creating a best possible outcome focus.

I love lists.

Simply put lists help me visually organize my thoughts. When I have the experience of being organized I am able to feel clear and solid in who I am and what really pumps me up. As I mentioned before I keep a list of things that make me happy for an instant mood boost. I also find it equally important to be present to the positive aspects of my life on a daily basis.

To amp up my Radical Self Love muscles, stay lazer focused on my path and the direction I intend my life to go, I’m starting a new weekly blogging practice of acknowledgement and bucketlist building. Once a week on this blog I will be making a post sharing 5 things I love about who I am and what I love. I will also post 2 bucketlist items and by the end of the 365 RSL Project I’ll have a super duper list of things I would like to accomplish in my lifetime.

KG’s Radical Self Love- Love-fest


1. Country music, more specifically Keith Urban. Every time I listen to his music something inside of me lights up and I start smiling from the inside out. Yup it’s that good to me 🙂

2. I  have a clan of wives. These to some would be considered my besties. To me they are so much more than that. This small clan of women are my sisters, my best friends and my go-to gals. They know me better than I know myself sometimes, they are always there for some straight up real talk, they call me on my shit and they love the crap out of me no matter what I’m going through. They are a blessing beyond measure and I love them all.

3. Often when my mind wanders I think about snuggling kittens. They are just so damn cute and I’ve considered multiple times taking up a legit career in cat snuggling. For true.

4. I love my laugh. This bodes well since I often find myself quite hilarious. Laughing is one of my most favourite things to do and when I laugh it comes from deep in the bottom of my belly, it’s really loud and contagious.

5. I love my ability to listen for what is actually being said underneath the physical words people speak. Maybe it’s my intuition or my my psychic skills amping up, either way it’s freaking awesome and I’m really great at it. This skill is one of the qualities that makes me a great and effective coach. I love this about myself.


KG’s RSL Bucketlist:

1. Record an album of my Radical Self Love original tunes.

2. Watch the sunrise and sunset on every continent.

Loads and heaps of love from me to you! ❤


Crystals are Rad! Day 18: 365 RSL Project

I love crystals. I truly believe in their healing and metaphysical properties and I use them daily in my meditations and I carry them with me all day long.

Some people think it’s weird. I think it’s awesome.

Here’s the deal. There are people in this world who *gasp* have different perspectives. As I’ve come to learn there isn’t a “right” way to do things or a “right” way to go through life, there is just the way you do. Meaning we all have different tools, ideas, beliefs and ways we see and understand the world. Each of those perspectives is valid in their own way.


We each have a different mission in our lifetimes and we can either spend time making each other wrong for the way we perceive the world OR we can embrace this diversity and learn from one another.

A great piece of advice from one of my coaches a long time ago was this:

                                       “Take what works for you- and leave the rest”.

When I find myself in the space of learning something new, if it vibes with me and it feels ‘right’ or ‘good’ in my heart I keep it and add it to my Radical Self Love toolbox. If I have a weird or off feeling about something I leave it. Simple as that.

Crystals are one of those ‘this feels right in my heart’ kinda tools for me. If crystal talk vibes with you cool- read on. If it doesn’t that is totally ok too 😉

A Radical Self Love Guide to Crystal Awesomeness

I often use crystals to supercharge my ability to connect to my guides and maintain a state of internal flow. I’ve been really drawn to three crystals lately in my morning meditations and I’m going to share them with you!


Celestite (Top crystal in photo)– Acts as a instant connection to Angel and spirit guides. Helps those connect the user to the Universal principal of One Love and strengthens our ability to be compassionate and accepting of one another. Eases the body of worry which is one of the root causes of dis-ease in the body. A great crystal for the 5th chakra activation.

Tanzanite Aura Quartz (Lower right crystal in photo)– Awakens the mind and heart, placing the mind under the command of the hearts wisdom. It activates the 5th (throat chakra) which is helpful in assisting us to speak our truth and clear communication of this inner truth. It is said to enhance our psychic abilities.

This crystal combines the aspects of communication and intuition. This crystal opens the 7th chakra. This opening enables us to receive visions and messages from the universe and then communicate these messages and visions clearly and in ways that make sense to the audience we are speaking to.

Candle Quartz(Lower left crystal in photo)– Brings hope, comfort and light to the user. Heart stone to open the 4th chakra (heart) and balance and harmonize any conflicting energies in the heart center. It is also an abundance stone as it helps to awaken our perception of every day abundance, open our energy spiritually and energetically to receive abundance of all forms.

For a really great article on the Healing Power of Crystals check out this link:

❤ Big Love to you all!


Day 11: 365 RSL Project

The number 11 keeps popping up today and since it is magically the 11th day of this blogging project I figure this imagesis a call from spirit to share about the vibrational meaning of the number 11.

As some of you may know I have studied numerology and metaphysics for quite some time now. A huge part of my  Radical Self Love journey has been learning to acknowledge and appreciate my strengths and areas of talent.

One of my areas of strength is interpreting messages from the Universe. Often for me these messages come in the form of numbers. I have an amazing ability to understand underlying messages and interpret these messages for not only myself but for others around me.

The universe is always communicating to us and it is part of the human journey to open to this guidance however it looks. For some people it may be seeing numbers, words or certain animals or plants. For others they may hear certain lyrics from a song and keep hearing the same repetitive phrase again and again. There are so many forms communication from spirit can take and if we are open to hearing and seeing the guidance the experience of being human becomes very magical very quickly.


The number 11 is all about divine inspiration. As humans we always have access to higher intelligence and the access point to ushering this divine knowledge is through our cultivation of inner peace, love, honesty and integrity. The vibration of this number is enhanced when we embody the energies of patience, receptivity and honour our intuition.

In the spiritual sense, this number represents the light within all and is a call to radiate your light outward to inspire others to shine in their brilliance and spiritual alignement. Pretty epic! 4331547301_94416518ee_o

Let divine inspiration rock your day today. As part of my radical self love quest I will be amping up my compassion, patience, inner peace, honesty and integrity. This allows me to shine brighter and inspire those who are ready to step into their greatness and make this world an even better place! Leave a comment below if you are joining in on this massive love and inspiration-fest and let us know how you are rippling love consciousness today!

Mega gratitude in advance 😉


Day 1: 365 RSL Project

“Within you resides more greatness than you can ever imagine”.

This is the self talk that has been running though my head all day today as I create this blog and step into a life beyond the scope of my imagination.

Today truly marks the time of a great accomplishment and courage. I have taken substantial actions to launch a year long project that will call me to become the greatest version of myself, expand my knowledge, receptivity and wisdom and illustrate through my real life example what a life on purpose can truly look like.

follow-your-heart  To be perfectly real and honest with you, I truly don’t know what this next year of Radical Self Love is going to look like. All I know is, my heart is happy sharing this message with all those who are ready to hear it, my purpose is clear, and each day the path will unveil itself just as it’s meant to. I trust I will be guided in the most on purpose and love filled ways and I am so freaking giddy of how many LOVE ripples this next year will be causing all over the world!!

Lets get LOVIN’ 😉

