From Fear To Love In One Minute: Inspiration For Your Soul- Day 352: 365 Radical Self Love Project

Today my wonderful and inspiring partner posted a fabulous one minute video on his social media feed.

I personally am a big fan of Jim Carrey as he is a fabulous advocate for the human potential and power to create our experience through our activation of either fear or love.

I really dig it when people in the public eye use their platform to spread messages of inspiration, hope, possibility and love.

In this one minute video Jim anchors in some really solid perspective. “You can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance doing what you love”. I completely agree. We have just as much opportunity to create a live filled with abundance, connection and love as we do creating one filled up with lack a limitation.

The way your life unfolds is up to you. The outcomes you produce in your life are directly linked to the quality of thoughts, feelings and actions you repetitively cultivate. At any given time you are either in the domain of fear or the domain of love.

RSL actionable to shift from fear to love in no time: Ask better, more empowered questions from life. Instead of saying “Why me?” take your power back and replace the lack mindset with a better question:

  • “What inside me is trying to emerge through this challenge?”
  • “What am I being called to learn, grow or strengthen within me”
  • “What can I do to be in alignment with my truth, with my desires and with my dreams”.

Interested in better results? Ask better questions. Let yourself be inspired on the regular. Make your top priority feeling good aka being in alignment. To help out on the feeling good and inspired quest, watch this lovely one minute vid!

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!
