The One 3 Minute Action I Take To Keep The High Vibes Flowin and the Ego At Bay- Day 129- 365 Radical Self Love Project

I have done a lot of experimenting with different strategies for success.

There is one that really has stood out from all the rest. It takes 3 minutes of my time each day and every time I do it my day goes in a really high vibe.

Curious what it is?

radical self love kelsey grantIt’s a meditation technique I learned from Gabby Bernstein last year when she came to speak at Awesomeness Fest 2012. Being on the Afest team certainly comes with it’s perks and one of them being access to this amazing tool and a live interactive experience of Gabby leading this meditation.

radical self love kelsey grantIt’s called the Ego- Eradicator. It is a kundalini meditation practice and to me it works like magic. Every time I do the meditation in the morning my days are smooth sailing and I am able to navigate challenges from a space of gentle power and love. I also know how powerful this tool is because on days when I don’t do it, I’m more irritable, I get triggered and I don’t always come from love.

3 minutes of breath work is totally worth it to me to keep the ego at bay and the high vibes flowin

If you are curious of the how to follow along this short instructional vid from the beautiful Gabby B 🙂

radical self love kelsey grant

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!!
